

There I lay, quietly

In the light sleep that precedes the dawn,

Blurred images streaming by.

And suddenly, this beautiful maiden

Floating into my presence,

Caressing my hair tenderly…

‘All will be well’.

Ah, what sweetness and grace

Such kind benediction.


Gently rubbing the sleep from my eyes,

I woke up.

Heart aflutter and glad,

Still cocooned in the sweetness

Of the early morning dream.


The morning sun rose,

Spreading its light

O’er the countryside that is my home.

The rhythms of life and work

Settled into their cadence,

The  clear blue day

Humming in easy flow.


With all my chores accomplished,

I contemplated a long walk,

On my favorite country road

With its rolling ups and downs

That always promised a view

Of distant horizons.


Setting out with sprightly gait,

Seldom had I felt so boundlessly content.

No human in sight, nobody for company

Save for the wide outdoors themselves,

Bidding fair welcome.


Soon coming up

A steep climb of road,

I paused briefly to behold

The vista of the verdant country

Which lay at my feet.


And lo!

There she was,

This lovely maiden,

Walking up to me,

With the eager air

Of finding someone long lost,

Looking exactly

Like the damsel of my dream.


Eyes met,

And we melted into each other’s gaze

With the sweetest, most tender knowing.

No words exchanged.

My hand reached out, to caress her hair

Just grazing her cheeks,

When she vanished,

As magically as she came.


Leaving me engulfed

By a sphere of rainbow light,

Resplendent like the noonday sun,

And yet the pleasant coolness of the full moon.

The chimes of distant bells,

And a sweet fragrance,

Enveloping every little strand

Of my grateful being

With a long forgotten happiness.


I had finally woken up.